Welcome to the new FashionTalkEverythingAbout-blog

20 05 2007

I returned back from having attended the conference Dressing Rooms – Current Perspectives on Fashion and Textiles arranged by University College Oslo. A very inspiring conference with attendees from 11 countries from around the globe. The conference showed how many topics can be covered by the word ‘Fashion’. One of the last topics was ‘Fashion Journalism- Good or Bad?’ First of all what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ fashion journalism? Is it to write about size 0 (zero) without condeming it? Is it good to write, and that way promote, environmental friendly production of clothing?

I hope this blog can develop to a blog for everybody wether you are interested in fashion or not. We all dress daily and buy clothes now and then. Your buying habits makes a difference in what the manufacturers manufacture. That takes me into another question. Can we forecast the fashion?



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